Tools for Awakening Resources and Awareness in Shock & Trauma
TARA Approach Self-Care
18 hour Workshop
Move Beyond Disharmonies caused
by Shock, Trauma, Stress, or
Unpleasant Experiences
A Practical Hands-On Energy Medicine System
Learn life-changing tools you can use for yourself, clients, or patients. The training purpose is to empower you with TARA Approach tools to resolve shocking or traumatic experiences as a way to identify and get your authentic needs supported. This course is the first in a series that teaches all of the TARA Approach methods that a healthcare professional can use in their profession. Of course, anyone can take the whole series just to enhance their own self-care. This is how Renee started and found the immediate effects beneficially changing her life in terms of overall wellness, daily energy, and preventive towards various health conditions.
The goals of the workshop are to gain more knowledge of shock and trauma, introduce oriental (elemental) assessment skills, effectively identify nervous system root causes and symptoms with acupressure points and self-reflection dialogue, and recognize own energetic needs. When you leave the hands-on workshop, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate and utilize 26 meridian points to open bioenergetic blocks bringing awareness to the needs of the essential self,
- Recognize and reference physiological and emotional responses that identifies a person activated in distress,
- Identify relationships between energy medicine, twelve meridians, 26 points of the TARA Approach system, and their related emotional and physical influences;
- Experience at least two (out of 40) first aid releases for common physical and emotional situations,
- Apply a 3-step dialogue process to discover causative factors and manage responses caused from shock and trauma,
- Demonstrate and describe eight ways to assess where the mind, body, or spirit may need help towards better wellness using the five-elemental philosophy,
- Perform three (out of ten) self-care routines for balancing, rejuvenation, and first aid;
- Build your own daily self-care plan with at least three areas of need.
The class is 90% experiential with exercises that allow you to work on yourself and someone else in the class. There are no pre-requisites or materials required.
TARA Approach was founded by Dr. Stephanie Mines, Ph.D., who blended western concepts with a Japanese energy system, called Jin Shin Jyutsu. Dr. Mines' developed an approach to resolve shock and trauma, which allows a rejuvenation of the body's core energy. Dr. Mines mission is to end the lineage of shock for the future of the children. She has made great strides with the Hawaii, Oklahoma birthing institutions and midwifery. More information can be found on
Learn from RENEE SUTTON, a certified TARA Approach Self-Care teacher trained in multiple energy medicine modalities and knowing the journey from shock into wholeness. Renee teaches TARA Approach in a way to use it where we experience disharmony the most -- in the moment of distress. In the class, Renee emphasizes a health prevention outlook and guides the student to define their unique needs.
TARA Approach is an approved provider for 18 contact hours for Continuing Nursing Education approved by American Holistic Nurses' Association, an accredited Approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation, and with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork for massage therapists. All hours of the class must be attended to receive a Certificate of Attendance or Completion. We appreciate an evaluation (name optional) upon completion of the course. This helps us to ensure quality education.
$265.00/person (includes workbook and certificate of attendance) Add $50 for 18 CEU/Contact Hours Certificate of Completion for nursing or massage therapists.
Check appearances schedule for a date and location near you. The registration process and types of payment acceptance is located in the specific event detail. Look for classes geared towards your healthcare profession or a general public workshop.
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Our office and teaching locations are accessible for the physically challenged. If there are other special needs, please call to discuss. Our best and reasonable attempts are made for ADA compliance.