Appearances and Training
• Click here for Ministries for Synergetic Wellness, Inc. hosted classes and teleconferences.
• Parenting Kids with Sensory and Trauma Issues: Self-Care TARA Approach (Tools for Awakening Resources and Awareness for Resolution of Shock and Trauma) tbd. Learn how to help yourself as a care-giver and help your child integrate sensory information that upsets the child or causes functional problems. Release 26 self-care hot spots on the body that can lead you to respond in more gentler way towards your child. This is the first level required for TARA Self-Care certification. $265/person or $125 repeat student. Please register at 843-770-9947. For further questions about the TARA program, see
• Healthcare Professional Support group (Emergers) that want to grow spiritually to change the atmosphere in health care facilities for $5 donation to Ministries for Synergetic Wellness. Meets weekly. Call to join. Learn how to build the fruit of the Spirit (patience, kindness, etc) to provide a better therapeutic relationship with your client. Release blocks that keep you from delivering God's unconditional love in the workplace by using various ways to replenish and renew the spirit. Be a part of shifting to a new paradigm of medical treatment by integrating healing art practices. Please register at 843-770-9947. *******************************************************•