Ministries for Synergetic Wellness is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to provide creative and holistic healing art therapies to those with co-occurring mental conditions and disabilities at affordable or free cost.  An application for no cost services can be requested to determine qualification towards different scholarship levels. 

Our vision is that multicultural counseling and other holistic practices are integrated into traditional medical facilities and treatment as health options to support one’s unique healing journey.

Our immediate four goals are:

1) Support the mental health needs in the community. See upcoming support groups and classes provided by teleconferencing or in-person.

Autism Support Group every first and last Wednesdays: May 5 and May 26, 2021 at 5:00-6:30 Facilitators: Jessie Craner and Renee Sutton, LPC. Click on flyer for schedule.

Soaring Dragonfly Institute Adult Classes to Change the Mind and Reconnect to Authentic Self with Experiential Therapy in a Montessori setting. Monthly workshop to address trauma or unhealthy patterns and create change for win-win solutions. Facilitators: Camella McBrayer M.A. and Renee Sutton, LPC. Click on classes for schedule.

• Free
Weekly Anxiety Reduction group on HIPPA compliant teleconferencing to find peace during the unknown. Weekly link to This is facilitated by Renee Sutton, LPC a licensed counselor and trained in Mindfulness.

• Free
Weekly Parentinig Tips on HIPPA compliant teleconferencing to build teaching skills with kids at home. Link to weekly. This is facilitated by Renee Sutton, LPC a licensed counselor and trained in Applied Behavior Analysis, working with ADHD and other diagnoses.

A study, fellowship group occurs to educate on integrating spirituality in healthcare, develop therapeutic relationship, and share ideas on how to integrate holistic options. This is an inter-faith gathering of those who want the highest good for others through the highest, most loving wisdom for all. Located at 2201 Boundary Street, Carolina Cove Executive Center #208, Beaufort. Call to join. Teleconferencing forthcoming...

• 2 Hour Classes to Increase Tolerance for Stress, learning differenct coping strategies in each class. $15 each and free for scholarship recipients. Scheduled based upon request. Call 843-770-9947to request.

-Spiritual Reflection
-Caregiver Renewal
-Get Angry Creatively
-Relax with Healing Touch
-Empathetic Communication
- Mindfulness Meditation
-8-hr Court Approved Anger Management
-Communication between Couples

Wellness Thrivers: Cancer Survivor Group. Call to join group. This is an Interfaith group to pass on wellness tips, spiritual growth, and build encouragement for thriving post cancer treatment. Join our wellness topic discussions and successes

) Provide low cost Integrative Counseling on-site or by teleconferencing. Some insurance carriers accepted. Click on consent forms: Counsel Informed Consent and HIPPS compliant Telehealth video Conferencing Consent

3) Raise funds by sponsoring a monthly Integrative Healing Arts Sampler using various volunteer practitioners in the local community.  For a $10 donation, you can receive a 20-minute session with your choice of therapy from volunteer practitioners, who are operating under their professional scope of licenses and certifications.  Multiple therapies may occur during the sampler at additional $10 donation per 20 minute sessions. Healing Prayer, spiritual assessment, and initial integrative assessment intake are free. Scholarship applications will be onsite and free services to those that qualify. Events are free to visit for more information. Call for session appointment at 843-770-9947.

4) Educate the community and health care professionals on how to achieve the most efficient and beneficial path towards healing following along with the research from National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (  This includes information about integrative or alternative therapies, approaches, prayer, therapeutic relationship qualities, holistic counseling, and integrative teaming.  This non-profit provider hosts counseling internships, research, and testing for efficacy of counseling triage for integrating creative healing arts inclusive of prayer with the traditional healthcare for decision-making and increasing wellness results. Participation in local wellness fairs, running organized programs in nursing homes, and presenting at healthcare in-services are only some ways we are educating. We will be glad to host practitioner classes at our new site located in a setting on the marsh.

Site in progress!

Come back for more.

P. O. Box 4256

Beaufort, SC 29903

For more information contact at


90-day Stay Personal Holistic Program